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Fascinating Mobile Marketing Strategy Tactics That Can Help Your Business Grow

According to a common survey, more than 80% of all internet users own a smartphone. Additionally, more than half of all B2B buyers use their mobile devices to access relevant content and information on the internet. Our Mobile Marketing Experts believe that these statistics are on an upward trend which makes it imperative for every company to implement a mobile marketing strategy.

Mobile App Marketing

Tune into the Miracle of Mobile Marketing

In simple terms, mobile marketing is a multi-channel digital marketing strategy focused on an audience that prefers to consume online content via their mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones.

At Digitse India, we help our customers with customized templates, mobile-specific ads, and mobile-friendly websites, to create the perfect mobile marketing strategy that creates a personalized experience for the customers.

Trust us when we say that this not only adds to brand value but also leads to a direct increase in sales revenue. This form of mobile marketing gives you more touchpoints with the customer in the form of emails, SMS, MMS, push notifications, apps, and banner ads.

Here’s a chance to understand the different Mobile Marketing Channels for your Business

We use the Modern rules of Mobile App Marketing

Having a mobile app is one of the most fruitful ways of engaging your audience. But just developing an app without devising a strategy to promote it isn’t advisable. We believe that app marketing requires a unique approach due to the different parameters in place here. In mobile app marketing, the focus is on two goals.

1.User Acquisition through App SEO techniques –

We have designed this goal with a set of strategies that can increase your audience and push downloads. With over 2 million apps in both Google Play Store and Apple App Store, it is necessary to create a detailed set of App SEO strategies to gain visibility. We can help you build and deploy content strategies and social media marketing strategies.

2. We use Mobile App Marketing to increase Revenue–

This is the stage where you interact with the users and convince them to stick to your app. Research suggests user retention is the biggest challenge faced by most big-time apps. Our Mobile App Marketing experts can help you by designing a custom app marketing strategy, proper app SEO techniques and engagement plans so that you can increase your retention rates by a ton.

Lesser-known way to Acquire clients through SMS Marketing

India has over 500 million people with phones in their pockets. Moreover, text messages boast of an open rate of 82%. A basic text message is the most proactive and direct way to reach them. SMS marketing is the perfect complimentary piece for your overall digital marketing strategy. While you use other gateways to entice and engage the customer, SMS marketing can help you create a sense of urgency around your product. This medium is primarily used to send last-minute offers, transactional alerts, and other updates.

Our Experts at Digitise India can help you create the perfect SMS marketing campaign that will drive user engagement in tandem with your email marketing strategy.

Mobile app marketing
Mobile app marketing

Here’s why you should invest in our Whatsapp Marketing strategy

WhatsApp has over 1.5 billion users worldwide. Even though WhatsApp does not have specific business-friendly features, it can still play a role in your marketing campaign by helping you reach out to your existing customers and forge loyal relationships.

We believe that small businesses use WhatsApp marketing to create groups and broadcast lists for their products. Larger corporations can also incorporate WhatsApp as a medium to share updates, news, alerts, and collect feedback. Our WhatsApp Marketing experts will also help you integrate chatbots and automate texts for all your customers. The insane reach of WhatsApp makes it hard to ignore as a potential goldmine of customer engagement.

At Digitise India, we specialize in creating custom WhatsApp marketing strategies that integrate all these moving parts to create a well-oiled, automatic campaign that not only helps you gain new customers but also retains them through engagement plans.

We promise to fulfil all your mobile marketing needs at a Nominal Price

Our team understands the importance of mobile marketing and app store optimization (ASO) for the success of a business. We understand that many businesses might consider this as an add-on strategy, but there is more ROI to a perfectly implemented Mobile marketing strategy.

Please don’t think of Messages and WhatsApp as a redundant channel to Market your business. We want you to look at them at the lesser-used channels which could become a goldmine when running up with Custom SMS marketing and WhatsApp marketing techniques.

Mobile Marketing is not dead, rather it is a hidden treasure not found by many businesses.
Our experts at Digitise India believe that with the right set of strategies, every business can achieve incredible growth with Mobile marketing.

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