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Here’s your chance to Boost you business with our Digital Marketing services

For instance, let’s keep Digital marketing Strategy aside and see what’s Marketing first. Definitions are boring and outdated, so we’ll go with an example instead.

Recall your last visit to the local Sunday market, remember those hawkers shouting out to onlookers, trying hard to attract customers with creative punchlines, “Buy 1 Get 7 Free!” or so.
That’s marketing for you, Yes! the same thing you thought was something only an MBA could do.

Alright, so any attempt to market your product or service, to reach out to potential customers, convince them and eventually compel them to buy it, is called marketing.
From hawker’s shouts to promotional emails you receive, from televised ads to YouTube banner ads, all the same, ‘Marketing’.

Digital marketing strategy

Now let’s talk about Digital Marketing Strategy

You’re probably reading this article on your phone or laptop.
How many hours on an average do you spend on your screens?

The most recent data indicates that people spend an average of 3 hours and 15 minutes on their phones, every day.

And the number’s surely gonna increase by manifold in coming years.
Things have changed over the last 30 years with the advent of the World Wide Web, in 1990. The world is becoming less physical and more & more virtual. Social media has brought a digital transformation, with around 60% of the world population now online.

Long story short, Digital marketing strategy is the use of the Internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other technological channels to reach consumers & to advertise. At Digitise India, we believe that digital transformation is the ONLY cost-effective solution to scale up your business & to skyrocket your sales. It’s the most efficient way now, to reach the targeted audience and to bump into them again & again.

Is your Business using the Best Digital Marketing Services?

We strongly believe that Marketing had changed more in the past 2 years than in the previous 50.

We are sure that Digital Marketing is the marketing bonanza now. Our digital marketing experts believe that the world is going towards a 180 digital transformation.

Our team believes that Organic growth driven by real-time analytics and feedback is what you should aim at.
So take a look at the best of the digital marketing services, and how we can help you

Digital marketing strategy
IF someone says Email Marketing is Dead? Our Digital Marketing Experts are gonna say, Not at all! Despite speculations of it getting extinct, email marketing has very well stood the test of time, with more powerful social media marketing being around. As of recent surveys, email marketing’s ROI at 122% is four times higher than the runner up, outperforming paid search and social media marketing.
We are sure that you must have come across Facebook ads, Instagram ads, or LinkedIn banner ads. Companies all over the world are investing a major chunk of their marketing budget on social media marketing, with 89% of marketers indicate that their social media initiatives have generated increased exposure for their companies. If you are aiming at loyal customers and a more engaging marketing mix, then our digital marketing consultants would suggest
Wouldn’t it be great if you have to pay only when a potential customer clicks on your ads? Meaning high Return on Investment (ROI), PPC lets you take that benefit. Digital marketing experts use this method to bring visitors to your website. Same as what you see, in the Google first page, for a key-word search.
There are over 600 million blogs in the world today, out of over 1.7 billion websites. So just starting a blogging website, and writing articles won’t simply work anymore. In an era of technology, your hard work must be accompanied by smart work as well. We can help you rank your blog on the first search page, with picture-perfect SEO techniques put up by our Digital Marketing experts. We use SEO to not only increase your traffic and onlookers but also enhance your reputation as a business in itself, by making sure you land on the very first page. For the key-word “SEO” Google shows 81,50,00,000 results. And we help you compete with them all with our SEO Services.
Our team of Digital marketing experts truly believe that Content marketing is now an important part of any brands marketing mix. The 2018 B2B content marketing statistics from the Content Marketing Institute shows that 91% of B2B marketers use content marketing to reach customers & 86% of B2C marketers think content marketing is a key strategy. So, advertising your service or product through a blog post or a video teaser is always a great way to gain new customers and improve brand recognition.

Step Up Your brand with our digital marketing consultants

We believe that Branding and Business are inseparable. From your company’s name to its logo, everything plays a key role in how your customers perceive your firm.

At Digitise India, we have a team of Digital marketing consultants who can help you in the process of Brand building by generating awareness and promotion of the services or products of a company through our Online Marketing Services. Our team can help you generate a Brand Name and Logo to Earn the Trust of your Customers!

Our engineers can also create Custom messages to Engage with your customers more often, making your existing customers feel so special and cared for, that they refer your brand to others.

Google Search Ads

Our exceptional Digital Marketing Experts at Digitise India, believe that Digital marketing strategies are key to increase your brand value, leveraging your search results, impressions and your brand’s overall sales. Be it personal branding for an influencer or branding for a million-dollar firm or even a startup, we can assemble the perfect digital marketing strategies to make sure that you stand out.

And also generate a ton of revenue!

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