Business Videos

Thriving Companies use Business videos to showcase a professional Outlook

Every business we come across fail to do this grave mistake when they start a marketing campaign. They include all form of content from simple text-based content to complex graphics and infographics. Some businesses also include podcasts as part of their marketing strategy, but what the majority fail to do is B2B Video marketing.

Our Video content marketing experts at digitise India firmly believe that Video is an easy tool to improve your search rankings as well as brand visibility in the highly crowded and competitive marketplace.

Our video content Marketing experts state two important reasons why you should include Business videos as part of your marketing strategy.

B2B video marketing
Business Videos help you get on the second largest search engine of the internet

Business Videos help you get on the second largest search engine of the internet

Youtube is considered to be the second-largest search engine on the World Wide Web and for valid reasons. Million hours of video content are uploaded on the mammothian channel every day making it a competitive place for businesses.

But guess what, a lot of businesses actually use B2B video marketing to increase their visibility and recognize themselves as the expert in the eyes of potential customers. A recent study on Vidoe marketing suggests that the majority of top-ranking business executives would choose a video over text format to make a business choice. That is a pretty good reason to start creating business videos as part of your strategy

Adding a video increase first-page increase first-page ranking chances by 50x

One of the best reasons why we suggest video marketing is due to its rarity. A good number of business stay away from Video Content marketing fearing the complexity in making a business video. But our experts believe that this serves as the advantageous point for a business.

Moreover, pages with a related video have a higher chance of ranking in the top SERP’s ( Search engine Results Page )than a page than does not have an embedded video.

Video helps people understand your product better

One more important reason to include Business videos as part of your marketing campaigns is for its ability to send a better message. Videos can help your target customers understand your products/services with ease.

This serves as a great tool when your business is trying to sell complex or niche based products and services. When you’re customers are able to understand better, you are able to sell better.

A simple business video has been known to improve conversion rates by 85%

At digitise India, we always recommend the best Video Content marketing strategies for our customers. We always take a look at the business goals and budget plans before suggesting the following services for their business.

Product/service explainer videos

A simple video that explains the working of your products/services. These business videos can help your customer better understand the USP of your business and help them make an informed choice before closing your deal. Moreover, an explainer video helps in better high-quality lead generation,

Client testimonial videos

These business videos can be used to increase your social proof while selling your products/services.

Case Study videos

Yet Again another simple way to increase social proof and showcase your business as an authoritative figure in your field. In simple words, case studies help you sell your product/service efficiently.

Educational/tutorial business videos

An essential video that can bring in awareness about your products/services. Most businesses use these videos to help new customers troubleshoot and understand the product better.

Company Story Videos

This form of business video production is used to showcase the uniqueness of your business in a Crowded Industry. This helps you market your business as the leader of your industry, with business videos that showcase the culture and customer relationships.

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