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Are you using a Facebook Marketing strategy for lead generation?

Facebook boasts of an active user base that is greater than the entire population of India. It is a goldmine for any business looking to expand its online presence and gain leads through it. From fortune 500 companies to one-man run businesses, almost everyone uses a Facebook Marketing strategy to gain leads and Increase their Brand Visibility. If you are not using Facebook to the benefit of your business, we have to say that you are missing out on something Big!

We can help you develop a sound Facebook Marketing strategy that employs both paid and organic tactics to get your brand’s name out in the hot communities of Facebook. We believe that a well-crafted custom strategy can

  • Create brand awareness,
  • Generate leads,
  • Create a loyal customer base.
FB Marketing

Please don’t sweat, as we promise to craft the perfect Facebook marketing plan

With over 50 million businesses vying for attention on the social media platform, it is necessary to create a Facebook marketing strategy that stands out and grabs the attention of your potential customers. According to our Facebook marketing experts, two of the most important aspects of running a business on Facebook are Facebook advertisements and Facebook retargeting.

Generate hot leads with Facebook Ads:

One of the key steps to getting the most out of Facebook is creating the perfect Facebook ads. At Digitise India we believe that Facebook advertising can act as the first touchpoint for your target customer which makes it necessary to cover all your bases. Before creating your Facebook ad, researching the habits of your target audience is crucial for the success of the Campaign. Ads on Facebook work by showing your ads to the custom audience set you have created with the help of our experts. If you create the wrong audience set, you risk losing out on potential leads, consequently lowering the RoI of your paid campaigns.

leads with Facebook Ads:

Facebook is a social media platform where people interact, discuss, share, and converse ideas that they hold in a common interest. A successful Facebook campaign uses different social elements to interact with its audience and keep the viewers engaged. And when they are fully engaged with the text or graphic, we can lure them in with a lead magnet like an Offer or an educational content piece.

Another tactic to push your ad is by using the right content. A study showed that 30% of the users prefer ads with a link to their website while 16% want video content. We can help you optimize your ad according to the preferences of your target audience.

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We can help you bring back visitors with a Facebook Retargeting campaign:

We believe that Facebook retargeting is hands-down the best way to get the attention of the audience that previously engaged with your advertisements or campaigns. Facebook allows you to create retargeting campaigns that can show your ads to people who have visited your website, clicked on your ads, or searched for your product. Research shows that the CTR of a retargeted ad on Facebook is 10x more than a normal ad. Moreover, people who have visited your website are 70% more likely to buy your product.

Hiring our Facebook advertising agency is the best bet to create a high-performing ad campaign with low investments and high returns.

Facebook Advertising is still a High ROI network to generate leads

At Digitise India, we create highly targeted custom campaigns that will bring leads and visibility to your brand.

We firmly believe that Facebook isn’t dead.

It is a high ROI social media platform that needs an expert set of facebook marketers like us to perform well.

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Give us a call and we’ll set you up with the best deals.

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